transition: all 7s cubic-bezier(0.075, 1.82, 0.165, 1) @rand(9000ms); transform: scaleX(@rand(1, 4, .1)); background-color: hsla( @rand(10, 180, 20), 70%, 61.8%, @rand(.2, .8) ); clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, @rand(40%, 60%) @rand(30%, 100%));

Hi, I'm Fady Azmy 👋

I'm a Product Manager, Data Scientist and Product Designer

About me

Hello! I'm a Product Manager at Microsoft, and I love to geek about community building, design and cool side projects!

I took a break from school to pursue software and product internships and created an AI startup.

These days you can find me dancing West Coast Swing in the evenings, community building a PM community, and trail exploring on the weekends.


Product Management (wip).

Community organising

Product sesign

My internship reflections (Breather and Deloitte).


Quantum hotdog classifier - 3rd place at the Global Quantum Machine Learning hackathon

IBM Global Entrepreneur - Program providing $120,000 service credits, in addition to access to a network of business and law professionals

Vault (Android) - Cockroach DB Prize @ HTN 2016

Medicue (IoT) - Intel Edison Prize @ WearHacks TO 2015 (Intel blog link)